
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
January 23rd, 2019 - A Good Light Show!
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Who let the dogs out?! Yeah, that's right--this week, Seph returns to the show as the boys find themselves with a hellish little handbasket full of callers! From conspiracy theorists to troubled adulterers, the boys get to the bottom of their special listeners' mundane problems. But first, Lammigan delights his fellow shmucks with tall tales, including his torturous laser light show at a Patriots game and the time he woke up during a messy colonoscopy (he didn't drink the drink... oops!). And wow, there was so much more than that. The boys discuss what "sleeping" with a woman really means, slumbering genitalia (hey, this is a family show!), what Lammigan's eyes look like, the need for men like Colin Powell, Alexandria "The Princess of Hell" Ocasio-Cortez, Chinese society, and, of course, cybernetic terrorism. Wouldn't you like to listen? We would lightly like that.
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
January 2nd, 2019 - Lammigan's Cakewalk
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
It's the first show of 2019, so it's time to take a loquaciously crumb-crazy cakewalk with the gout-infected DIESEL and his rotten right-hand man LAMMIGAN. Listen as Lammigan spins the riveting tale of his New Year's Eve birthday party invasion, in which he accomplished some serious mischief. The boys later mess with some war-hungry veterans, discuss a strange form of guano [sic], and debate whether they deserve to go to Heaven, Hell, or neither! The show then putters out into the cacophonous melody of a roaring thunderstorm and "Shut Up and Dance With Me," a combination so soothingly horrendous that you'll wonder whether you'd even listened to this episode at all, and if you did... was it worth it?
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Monday Dec 31, 2018
December 27th, 2018 - It's New Year's, Mr. Garrison.
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Monday Dec 31, 2018
It's time to pop open that sparkling grape juice and start grab-assin' that crab dip, 'cause you're about to celebrate New Year's with the most cynically conceived duo of all, the sweetly sadistic Landon Lammigan and the happily hopeless Diesel! First, everyone's favorite conservative political cartoonist BENJAMIN GARRISON joins the boys again (perhaps too soon) to babble about the same garbage as last time. The boys are spooked out their wits when their thick-skulled guest's political beliefs are challenged by several callers. Nevertheless, Mr. Garrison finds himself pompously arguing with an 8 year-old on the phone. Yup, we never said it wasn't that kind of show, folks... Finally, Mr. Garrison is so impressed by Lammigan's version of "Auld Lane Syne" that he orders his wife, Tina, to create a cartoon loosely based on the idea, with "special thanks to L.L." Bleh! Yucky. That stinks. See you in 2019...
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Friday Dec 21, 2018
December 20th, 2018 - CHRISTMAS 2018!!!
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Here it is, lowly listeners. The highly anticipated CHRISTMAS episode. God it feels so good to say that word in today’s society. This week, the deplorable duo fights for Christmas with KEVIN MALEK of the Northern Wisconsin Paranormal Society, as he discusses the demons behind the political correctness movement, brutally rebukes atheism, and enlightens us all about the New World Order. That's right: if you're sick of political correctness holding you back, it's because of demons, which are creatures from Hell who eat puke and diarrhea! Meanwhile, Lammagin taunts fate with his Christmas wish for both an innocent TiVo as well as the ULTIMATE war chest, and later a calm and collected Santa calls in just to tell him he’s on the shitty list. Lammagin rushes through some Anti-Hillary Christmas carols, and then it’s a wrap. All these weeks of build-up for…this. Ben Garrison, the world's ONLY conservative political cartoonist, joins the boys next week to recap 2018 and the holiday season. Best wishes to you and yours...

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
December 12th, 2018 - Yuzu? Who do?
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
"A 12-year old German Shepard, un-neutered...there's no fashion there. That's all my problem and that's my responsibility and I take that responsibility on everyday." - Diesel
It's "C" word season (what a world we live in, folks) so the backbeat bunion boys decided to interview a hip local restauranteur -- Dave Bumba of YUZU and MAD MAC'S. These restaurants are NOT relevant to the lives of Little Diesel and Lammagin, so as you can expect, the interview flies right off the rails and into Hell. Lammagin expresses his grief on a fully vegan menu, the boys discuss the confusion between Bomba Tacos and Dave Bumba's last name, and Little Diesel thinks a poke bowl is a bowl with little poke holes in it. Hmm. What else? A lady named Shelly calls in with some Terry Schaivo Crystal gossip, nervously says the wrong "C" word on the air, and Little Triv gives one of the most earnest Presidential prayer you will ever hear in your life.
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Thursday Dec 06, 2018
December 6th, 2018 - The War on the "C" Word
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
"Interesting debate. All right." - Cleveland News Anchor Russ Mitchell on "Baby It's Cold Outside"
Ring those war bells and load those fully automatics, it's that special time of year to battle fight the War On Christmas! Or, should we say, the War On "The C-Word"? Can't say nothing these days, 'least not according to one LANDON LAMMIGAN and LITTLE DIESEL. Join our detestable duo as they rip open all sorts of old, festering wounds, such as revisiting, yet again, the P.C. re-make of "Baby It's Cold Outside"; debating over which song was played at Diesel's father's funeral; and explaining in great detail why they just adore the song "Shut Up and Dance With Me!" Now shut up and listen to the show!
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
November 14th, 2018 - Pills and Much More
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Want to hear this one? After a quick discussion of the purpose of war and torture, Lammigan and Diesel are delighted by a very special caller, the moderator of the official Good Nite Show fan club message boards! After trading some personal information, the two bumbling bozos are interrupted with a phone call from a drug dealer, and he wants to sell pills. And there's another call that ends with a defining Good Nite Show moment, in which Little Diesel concludes that this show's foundation is built upon the concept of disrespect. Okay, love you!
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
November 7th, 2018 - 83st Episode
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Ohhhh this one is locker room talk. Yes, yes, yes, this is definitely locker room talk! Things get off on the wrong foot with Lammagin's description of his gruesome dismantling of a psychiatrist office, then it gets worse when an unprepared Crystallite expert, Geo, fails to answer any questions about the Terry Schavio crystal, opting instead to describe his collection of Political Crystals. Too many crystals? Don't worry. The disrespectful duo make a phone call to Crazy Horse stripper saloon before hearing from several callers of varying quality. A folksy, straight-shootin' Russian, a depressed Mom, and a drug user each get their fifteen minutes of fame as they notch their initials into the bedpost of radio history that is The Good Nite Show with Little Triv (oh shit I meant DIESEL!!!!)
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode. Support us on PATREON.COM/GOODNITESHOW to gain access to additional weekly episodes!

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
October 31st, 2018 - Is It Halloween, Diesel?
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
October 24th, 2018 - Thinner Than Candy
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
Join your favorite gregarious, grab-assin' gabbers DIESEL and LANDON LAMMIGAN as they continue working their way down the list of this election season's biggest losers, this time interviewing Todd Grayson, the Libertarian candidate for Lieutenant Governor (what's that?). The jokes are mild, the conversation dull, but thank Goodness Gracious that Mr. Grayson called 15 minutes earlier than he was supposed to so that the boys could get the dry chat out of the way. They are later joined by the legendary returning guest AAGE NOST, who helps the boys figure out just what exactly is going on with that damn Terri Schiavo Crystal. He explains crystal wafers ("Thinner than candy!"), and why he believes sex is just too naughty to talk about. Oh, and Lee calls in a bunch of times. You know Lee by now. Lammigan's dirty shapeshifter friend, the one with the Browns tickets? Him.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode. Support us on PATREON.COM/GOODNITESHOW to gain access to additional weekly episodes!