
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
July 26th, 2017
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
July 26th, 2017 - 51st Episode
This one just feels like a classic. A little brain cancer confusion (John McCain? Landon Lammagin? Who has brain cancer, exactly) leads to an "intellenctual" discussion about Hell, and what "they" are doing to Hitler down there. A spirited debate about the difference in competency between specialists, experts, and analysts ultimately comes to a head when a Sports Analyst calls in to discuss sports. A couple callers pump life into the this death spiral of a talk show, and then there you have it. The Good Nite Show boys have truly done it again. Let's do it again next week.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Sunday Jul 16, 2017
July 5th, 2017
Sunday Jul 16, 2017
Sunday Jul 16, 2017
July 5th, 2017 - 50th Episode
Hilarious! Lammagin has a little homeless girl living in his backyard, and she calls in to "tell all"! Backyard Betsy wasn't the most cooperative, but it does help shed some light into co-host Landon Lammagin's off-air life. Seph deals with some famiial polio scares, and the guys cold-call some more casinos and strip clubs. How about that?
(This episode was recorded on July 5th, before the episode posted prior to this. It has no effect on anything, but must be stated for obsessed fans!)
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Friday Jul 14, 2017
July 12th, 2017
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Friday Jul 14, 2017
July 12h, 2017 - 49th Episode
Where have we been? Well it's Summer and there's been a lot of poker, and a lot of women. So we've been playing reruns... you really should see these women! We don't like to do the reruns but you should see these women. We are also privately preparing for our first live onstage show, which will be a disaster! Anyways, Lammagin and Seph were allegedly kidnapped by The Goo and taken to the Grand Canyon. The Goo calls in and blows his cover. Little Triv alone in the studio? Yup, it stinks. Later in the episode, an old friend calls into the show and dominates the conversation. It's Aage Nost, folks, and he's our Norweigan genius friend. Little Triv and Aage light off on topics such as John F. Kennedy's deserved assassination, Aage's wild visions of the future (robots, flying cars), the 4th of July and how the American Revolution was a waste, and reverse aging. It's a sprawling and nauseating episode, and boy Little Triv can't wait for his cohosts to get their warm asses back in those seats.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Tuesday May 30, 2017
May 24th, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
May 24th, 2017 - 48th Episode
These nasty boys are really crawling into the radio gutter lately. Someone once described Little Triv as “Howard Stern, if he were swallowed by Mike Trivisonno!” Pretty spot on! In this episode, the boys unpack the recent terror attack on Ariana Grande, and really dissect the issue with whinch the GOP congressional candidate body slammed a nerdy reporter on the eve of an “special” election. Then the boys reach their peak in frustration with the lack of callers, so they take it upon themselves to cold-call strip clubs and casinos. It goes just as well as you’d think. Thanks.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Thursday May 25, 2017
May 17th, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
May 17th, 2017 - 47th Episode
Sometimes, the guys just have a lot of bullcrap they wanna spew, even if there isn't room for the other fellas to get two words in. And, boy, was this week full of bullcrap! On this episode, Lammigan discovers his place in the "Resistance", and he's got the hat to prove it! Then, Seph brings the mood down when he, a father of two daughters, describes watching an R-rated movie with his children about a man who kills his children. After a show-stopping "Glee" interlude, Little Triv forces a quick chat about his favorite topic, Vietnam, much to Seph and Lammigan's disapproval. The boys jockey back and forth over what to talk about next, but Lammigan ultimately prevails as they compare their meager salaries, and Lammigan explains how he lives large below the poverty line. Finally, Seph closes the show with a prayer from Little Triv, spoken softly over a loud hymn.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Thursday May 25, 2017
May 3rd, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
May 3rd, 2017 - 46th Episode
Lammagin invites an old, but new, friend Lawrence Millman back to the program to suffocate our brains with information about fungi. Little Triv and Seph do their best to cut in, but Millman and Lammagin are joined at the hip these days. Who would have thought?
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Saturday May 06, 2017
April 26th, 2017
Saturday May 06, 2017
Saturday May 06, 2017
April 26th, 2017 - 45th Episode
An episode without Lammagin is a show without heart, and that is what this episode is.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Saturday Apr 22, 2017
April 20th, 2017
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
April 20th, 2017 - 44th Episode
Man this episode is a real headache. NSFW!!! The fatmen do their annual telethon fundraiser to try to get some people to donate money to the radio station, and completely blow it by giving controversial hot takes on the Facebook Killer. Little Triv finds his new favorite song and a stripper calls in. Yes, this episode is hot, but you need to WANT to listen to it.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Monday Apr 17, 2017
April 12th, 2017 w/ SETH WILLIAMS
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
April 12th, 2017 - 43rd Episode
Good God Almighty. Seth Williams from the (actual) Mike Trivisonno Show on WTAM surprises us by calling in for a short interview, after deciding earlier in the day that he wasn't going to call due to "wife, kid, work." Well he called in, and, much to his dismay, engaged in quite a crabby reparte with Landon Lammagin. Later the boys get into full "LOCKER ROOM TALK" mode and talk about strippers, wet t-shirt contests, the differences between statements and stories, asses and butts, and many other disgraceful conversations that are too often absent from mainstream media. Like whether or not Mother Teresa was a hooker. Man, that's humorous. This episode is calling your name!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Saturday Apr 08, 2017
April 5th, 2017
Saturday Apr 08, 2017
Saturday Apr 08, 2017
April 5th, 2017 - 42rd Episode
Our scheduled guest did not call in, so we were forced to have a simple-minded, slow dripping, but wide ranging conversation. Seph wonders where all the cheerleaders have gone, Lammagin feeds the guys yellow house paint, and Little Triv has nothing but respect for the military but wonders why they go so crazy. This leads into Lammagin's long anticipated Vietnam War story. Seph absolutely GRILLS Lammagin for his usage of lotion, and the Good Nite Show Boys bully Little Triv into telling an absolutely dull tale from his youth. Seph declines to tell the story of his murdered murdering grandparents, with good reason! Lammagin surprises the fellas by inviting his cruddy friend Currin who gets the boot from a pissy Little Triv.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12-1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.