
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
June 20th, 2018 - How Absolutely DARE You, Sir?
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
In June 2018, national attention was brought to the issue of family separations at American borders. Well, Landon Lammigan has some very specific opinions on the issue, and if you know Landon, and if you have any semblance of a moral compass, then you know better than to bother listening to this episode! There are some cute moments, however: the big boys talk about their unique interests in Cedar Point, lament the loss of good old fashioned "fat kids," David Hogg's new book which he plagiarized from one Little "Diesel" Triv, and, of course, it wouldn't be The Good Nite Show if Diesel didn't bring up the fact that his father and Lammigan's father murdered each other on a hilltop in Vietnam in a tragic friendly fire situation during the Vietnam War. But you probably know that story already, don't you? So you don't need to listen to this episode, right? Maybe just skip this one, and come back next week when you're not so fired up. Peace...
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
June 27th, 2018 - BED BUG BBQ!
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Cleveland's most enigmatic small business, Bed Bug BBQ, stops by the studio to talk about why they hate bugs, how they kill them, and what they think of their disgusting, infested customers! And because you're surely wondering, just how infested with bugs are our distinguished hosts? Will Bed Bug BBQ let Lammigan stay in the house during the elaborate extermination process? Can dogs smell bed bugs? Listen to find out the answers to these crucial questions in these trying times, and find out just how well these good-humored killers get along with your two favorite jovial degenerates, Landon Lammigan and "Diesel"!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Saturday Jun 16, 2018
June 12th, 2018 - Humor the Clown
Saturday Jun 16, 2018
Saturday Jun 16, 2018
June 12th, 2018 - 69th Episode
Little Triv, now currently known as Diesel, and his cohort Landon Lammagin, get a late start on a BIG show. They interview a (retired?) clown named Humor, pick his brain inside and out, and interject with as many anti-Hillary jabs in the process. Later on, like clockwork, the sweatpant shockjocks field an important phone call from an angry caller named Stumm. Isn't this what you want out of your late night radio show, listeners? Hello?? Listeners!!!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Saturday Jun 02, 2018
May 30th, 2018 - Rosie, Rosie, Rosie...
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
May 30th, 2018 - 68th Episode
The venom-spitting nastyboys of Cleveland are back, and they are ready to tackle the Roseanne controversy head-on. Famous Roseanne child actor, Michael Fishman, gives the guys a call to clear the air. God it's nice hearing these two American meanmen shoot the shit after such a miserable and grueling hiatus.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Friday Mar 16, 2018
March 14th, 2018 - They're back, St. Patrick!
Friday Mar 16, 2018
Friday Mar 16, 2018
March 14th, 2018 - They're back, St. Patrick!
They’re back and they’ve never been easier to hate! Little Triv and Lammagin dance around the topic of St. Patrick’s Day in between deeper conversations about the death of the monster Stephen Hawking, a vacation to Atlantic City, the transparent skin of Irish folk, and the shot children of Florida that seem to have some sort of agenda against innocent people like Little Triv and Lammagin.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Monday Feb 12, 2018
January 15th, 2018 - STRIP SEARCH
Monday Feb 12, 2018
Monday Feb 12, 2018
January 15rd, 2018 - 66th Episode
“I hate my balls, sometimes I tape ‘em up.” - Landon Lammagin
This episode marks the beginning of a short hiatus for the Good Nite Show. The boys will return sporadically with new episodes over the next few months before returning to a normal weekly schedule in the summer. In the mean time, expect news about a cassette box set of the best episodes of the Good Nite Show with Little Triv.
This episode is no slow burner, however, as the two large radio men navigate through an hour of forgotten governments, Las Vegas shootings, Aage Nost, Lammagin's experiences with the illegal website Silk Road, and many callers from MANY different people from different backgrounds, including one special call with which Little Triv (oops... I mean Diesel!) and Lammagin help a poor woman call different Strip Clubs to try to track down her cheating husband.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Friday Jan 05, 2018
January 3rd, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
January 3rd, 2018 - 65th Episode
“You’re trying to get rid of me.” - Landon Lammagin
The two big rotten boys get rolling right away with a breaking story about a very convincing Plan C that involves the Democratic Party collectively murdering Jonald Trump! As Little Triv (Oops! I mean Diesel!) gets bored with all this murder chatter, they delve into the recent wintery weather thanks to the red meat meteorology of one Landon L. Lammagin. It wouldn’t be a weather report without an absolutely EPIC Hillary Clinton takedown, would it? Well that’s what you get, again. This show will never forget the millions of lives she is responsible for. Later in the show the boys discuss a very special letter (the best of all time?) from a very special someone, discuss Betsy Kling and the public suicide announcement of Browns coach Hue Jackson, and finally drama begins between LT and Lammagin at the tail end of the show. This is the second to last show before the boys begin doing shows monthly instead of weekly. Weekly shows will resume in the summer.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
December 27th, 2017 - A Millman New Year
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
December 27th, 2017 - 64nd Episode
Little Triv...AHH! I mean Diesel!!!...and his cohortful Co-host discuss the aftermath of the War on Christmas, report on the severe winter weather, and give some thoughts on the suicidal announcement of the Cleveland Browns coach Hue Jackson before welcoming on their most anticipated guest Lawrence Millman. Lawrence Millman is obsessed with the Artic, fungus, and absolutely HATES technology. And folks: he's an expert. Lammagin and Millman explore their friendship before driving this plane straight into the ground.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Friday Dec 22, 2017
December 20th, 2017- Christmas Glory
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Friday Dec 22, 2017
December 20th, 2017 - 63nd Episode
"If it doesn't snow on Christmas, I'm going to do some kind of napalm attack." -Little Triv
Well, here it is at last kids. To all the geniuses on the deplorable list, and to all the brain damaged violent liberals on the politically correct list, we bring you the Good Nite Show with Little Triv (Diesel...I mean Diesel!) Christmas Episode of Glory. You'll be filled with the "milk and cookies" language of the one and only Little Triv (I mean...Diesel! Diesel!!!!) and the unique gingerbread mentality of Landon Lammagin as they field calls from holly jolly listeners chiming in with songs of old Christmas glory. Seth from WTAM 1100 (The Mike Trivisonno Show) calls in for a short and contentious interview about the peaking War On Christmas, and then your macho mistletoe men take you on a journey of Christmas carols about when America was great, the follies of Hillary Clinton, and the euphoria felt by the mere fact that we are once again, in this country, allowed to say "Merry Christmas." Thank you Jonald!
"Tear a piece of Hillary's hair out, Fa La La La La La La La." - Lammagin Carol Excerpt
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Sunday Dec 17, 2017
December 13th, 2017 - A Roy Moore Christmas
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
December 13th, 2017 - 62th Episode
The big boys are snowed in! After both nearly dying on their way into the studio, Little Triv..I mean Diesel!!!… and Lammagin get embarrassed by the fact that they gave their highly anticipated guest, Lawrence Millman, the wrong date to call in. A message from Seph and a Roy Moore victory keep this show from pummeling out of control, but unfortunately things get bad all over again when these two rotten fuckers start cold-calling a 24-hour cookie delivery service.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.