
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
October 17th, 2018 - 80th Episode
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Wow! Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
After some quick-witted banter introducting Lammie's Candy (who ordered the chocolate?!) and Diesel's childhood nickname (spoiler alert: it's SWEATDROP!), your least favorite know-nothings this side of the Cuyahoga River return to their old weakness: politics, and conservative ones, to boot! Tonight, they join real-life candidates COOGAN, running for Auditor of State, and KRAUS, running for Congress. Only one of these two bumbling bimbos was actually scheduled to be on the show, and it ain't hard to guess who, as Lammigan rips the pathetic would-be congressman a new one (after he's off the air, of course). Coogan, meanwhile, is cordial and polite, and Lammigan quite likes him. Still awake? Yep, you guessed it--this episode is for diehards only!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode. Support us on PATREON.COM/GOODNITESHOW to gain access to additional weekly episodes!

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Lammigan & Lammagin #1 (PATREON EXCLUSIVE!)
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Presenting Mr. Lammigan himself, starring in his very own weekly show! Can't get enough of his atrocious blabbering each week? Well, how about more of it? And how about a show that consists entirely of a dialogue... with himself? Find out what happens when your favorite local villain meets... himself! From now on, you'll have to pledge $1 a month on Patreon for access, but this preview will show you what you're missing if you don't.
Go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
October 3rd, 2018 - The Big Ticket Giveaway
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
The secret's out! Your favorite East Side warlocks, Landon Lammigan and Little Diesel, reveal that they've been in it for the money all along! Just go to patreon.com/goodniteshow to pledge a pathetic 25 cents each week to gain access to a weekly bonus show, LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, for all the Lammigan you could ever ask for!
After lamenting the strangeness of his first solo episode (LAMMIGAN & LAMMIGAN, available only to $1/mo Patreon subscribers), Lammigan briefly discusses his violent school years, which included bouts of arson, robbery, and thuggish intimidation, all committed alongside his recently revealed childhood friend, LEE, a shapeshifter! Remember Lee? The guy who kept flickering between Pam Anderson (hot) and Johnny Manziel (cool)? Yep, he's back, and he corroborates all of Lammigan's tough-talkin' tall tales! Including the revelation that Lammigan and Lee were both raised in a litter... of puppies? You'll have to listen to find out the truth, but... let's just say Lammigan's mommy is a beagle.
Oh, and did we mention tickets? We give away MUSHROOMHEAD tickets on this episode, along with some other junk, to a few lucky callers! Their joy is palpable, and you'll have to hear their ecstatic reactions for yourself. Your favorite low-wage know-nothings also face the returning threat of the Cybernetic Terrorist, who once again taunts the boys with the horrific concept of the Terry Schaivo Crystal. Luckily, Lee is on the telephone, and the scrappy old shapeshifter's got a few trick's up his sleeves...
It's just a raunchy, messy hour that you won't want to miss, and if you've listen to any other episodes, and liked it, then this is right up your alley. Thanks.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode. Support us on PATREON.COM/GOODNITESHOW to gain access to additional weekly episodes!

Friday Sep 28, 2018
September 27th, 2018 - Targeted Individuals
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
After a joyous play-by-play of a tragic car accident downtown by murderous New Wave superstar Gary Numan, Lammigan fields a call from a very mysterious stranger: a most-wanted preacher named Daniel, whose sinful hijinks have caused him to be stabbed, burned alive (thrice!), and attacked with fireworks...in a swamp, no less.

Sunday Sep 16, 2018
September 12th, 2018 - Hurricane Florence
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
"Dialing 9-1-1 reminds me of 9/11." - Little Diesel
Seph is back for one more quick ride before another short term punishment outside of the country. And, honey, this week, these abhorrent radio boys absolutely waste the opportunity. Some bungled 9/11 sensitivity, Lammagin's tardiness (puking in the bathroom before the show?), more exhausting Otto Warmbier comparisons (hard labor vs. large labor?), fielding phone calls from listeners about the 9/11 frame of mind...and then, the glass ceiling finally breaks on the Good Nite Show. Lammagin has took it upon himself to hire a female voice to brighten up the broadcast, but there is something deeply dark about her soul. And, unrelatedly, when it all comes to a head, Landon Lammagin finally removes ALL endorsements from Crazy Horse.

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
September 4th, 2018 - Seph is BACK, baby!
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Ah, it's like a breath of fresh air! The long-lost co-host and ominous former family man Seph has returned from a year of grueling international torture and large labor, which was punishment for dark crimes that go unmentioned during this very PG episode. It's been such a whirlwind year, you hardly even remember Seph! But you'll soon see just how healthily he fits in with the detestable likes of Little Diesel and Landon Lammigan.
In this episode, the boys walk a fine line as they discuss women (gulp!), Otto Warmbier's tortural fate, Seph's personal favorite international torture, and the infamous Terry Schiavo Crystal (Lord forgive us!). The dark-hearted conversation is then sprinkled with sugar by a very sweet-hearted caller named Augie (not to be confused with AAGE NOST, Master of All Things You Aren't Supposed to Know About) reaches out to let us know just how closely they've been following our God-blessed audio show. There's also some Amish bashing, reporting on secret school shootings, and some feisty callers who find out they have quite a few things in common with one Landon Lammigan. It's all here, and you're listening to it, and it's you're fault. You're part of the problem...
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live on the radio or at wruw.org, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
August 29th - 75th Episode
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
This week: Little Triv (erm...I mean, Diesel!) and Lammagin in Miami? Malibu? Do these men belong in the tropics? Lammagin will explain precisely if, what, and why they do what they do. Then, Lammagin's "fixer" Jerry Simms calls to talk about the art of the fixer, the horrendous deeds he has done on Lammagin's behalf, and the truth about the Terry Schaivo Crystal. This is just another one of those classic episodes that you couldn't bear to miss. Bye Haters!
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Friday Aug 31, 2018
August 20th 2018 - 74th Episode
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Friday Aug 31, 2018
This is a type of show where we must give a disclaimer: if you aren't completely charmed in every possible way by the personalities of Diesel and Landon Lammagin, I would recommend skipping this episode. They tried, but sweetie, this just isn't their best. There is a lot of content to be absorbed in this chunk of radio, and it has been heavily edited to omit long and boring pauses. Please enjoy if you wish, because they are such big and awful big boys.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.

Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
August 1st, 2018 - BEN GARRISON
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Free-hee haw! Free-hee college and healthcare for all! Free-hee haw! You would hate the Clintons, too, if they personally murdered your sister. This week, our boys go full Info Wars on your chapped, sorry asses as they speak with the world's ONLY conservative political cartoonist, Mr. BENJAMIN GARRISON, to discuss his handsome interpretation of our alpha male president, whether or not Stormy Daniels is hot enough for Mr. Trump, why socialism is slavery but we are already socialists so we are definitely slaves, and much, much more! FREE-hee haw! Also, did you know the Clintons are murderous Satanists who vacation in Haiti for voodoo purposes? Turn off your brain and soak in the discourse, cuz this week, it's all POLITICAL!

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
This week is a blast from the past, as the fellas engage with two voices that haven't been on the show in years!
When the legendary Thailand Cave Boys fail to call in for their interview, Lammigan and Diesel are left with no choice but to interview the world-famous DUCT TAPE FIXER UPPER MAN! As it happens, this man can fix just about anything with just a little bitta duct tape. But he's no ordinary craftsman. He's been to hell and back, he's got life-saving ideas, and, yessir, he's seen some double D's!
Join the foul duo of Landon Lammigan and Little... Diesel (?) as they fumble their way through an interview with who they thought would be some heroic young cave boys, but instead is just a jovial-but-perverse small businessman who is actually just a big loser. Later, another small business owner, Tipp, joins the fun to discuss her food delivery service and the nutritional benefits of duct tape. Yes, the nutritional benefits of eating duct tape, as if it were food.
The Good Nite Show w/ Little Triv is recorded live on the radio every Wednesday night from 12AM - 1AM on WRUW, 91.1FM in Cleveland. Stream it live and call in, or wait til the next day for the full recorded episode.